Configurable DocBlock parser from PHP

The PHPDoc parser allows you to configure tags including the method how to parse and extract information. This is inline with phpDocumentor style annotations.


composer require jasny/phpdoc-parser


 * The description of foo. This function does a lot of thing
 *   which are described here.
 * Some more text here.
 * @important
 * @uses FooReader
 * @internal Why this isn't part of the API.
 *   Multi-line is supported.
 * @param string|callable $first   This is the first param
 * @param int             $second  The second one
 * @return void
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 * @throws DoaminException if first argument is not found
function foo($first, int $second)
   // ...

Parse annotations

use Jasny\PHPDocParser\PHPDocParser;
use Jasny\PHPDocParser\Set\PhpDocumentor;
use Jasny\PHPDocParser\Tag\FlagTag;

$doc = (new ReflectionFunction('foo'))->getDocComment();

$customTags = [
    new FlagTag('important')
$tags = PhpDocumentor::tags()->with($customTags);

$parser = new PHPDocParser($tags);
$meta = $parser->parse($doc);

The result will be the following:

    'summery' => "The description of foo",
    'description' => "The description of foo. This function does a lot of thing which are described here.\n\nSome more text.",
    'important' => true,
    'uses' => 'FooReader',
    'internal' => "Why this isn't part of the API. Mutlti-line is supported",
    'params' => [
        'first' => [
            'type' => "string|callable",
            'name' => "first",
            'description' => "This is the first parm"
        'second' => [
            'type' => "int",
            'name' => "second",
    'return' => 'void'