
This tag acts as a wrapper around other tags, grouping them in some way

 * @method string getBar()
 * @method int|Foo getFoo()
class Foo


There’s already a MultiTag wrapper aroung @method tag in PhpDocumentor::tags(), but for the sake of example we’ll reinit it here, as if it’s not there yet.

MultiTag constructor accepts the following parameters:

  • name
  • tag, that will be grouped
  • tag field name, which value will be used as a key in result array
$doc = (new ReflectionClass('Foo'))->getDocComment();
$methodTag = new MethodTag('method', $fqsenConverter); //$fqsenConverter can be specified or ommited
$customTags = [new MultiTag('methods', $methodTag, 'name')];

$notations = getNotations($doc, $customTags);


    'methods' => [
        'getBar' => [
            'return_type' => 'string',
            'name' => 'getBar'
        'getFoo' => [
            'return_type' => 'int|Foo',
            'name' => 'getFoo'