Random token

The TokenConfirmation service creates a random confirmation token. This token must be stored to a database together with the subject, user id and expiry date.


use Jasny\Auth\Auth;
use Jasny\Auth\Authz;
use Jasny\Auth\Confirmation\TokenConfirmation;

$confirmation = new TokenConfirmation();

$levels = new Authz\Levels(['user' => 1, 'admin' => 20]);
$auth = new Auth($levels, new AuthStorage(), $confirmation);

Optionally you can pass the number of random bytes generated and/or a method how to encode the generated bytes to the constructor.

$confirmation = new TokenConfirmation(12, fn($bytes) => base64_encode($bytes));


To store the token, the storage class must implement TokenStorageInterface, adding two methods.

use Jasny\Auth\StorageInterface;
use Jasny\Auth\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
use Jasny\Auth\UserInterface;

class AuthStorage implements StorageInterface, TokenStorageInterface
    public \PDO $db;

    // ...
     * Save a confirmation token to the database.
    public function saveToken(string $subject, string $token, UserInterface $user, \DateTimeInterface $expire): void
        $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO tokens (uid, subject, token, expire) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
            ->execute([$user->getAuthId(), $subject, $token, $expire->format('c')]);

     * Fetch a user by a confirmation token.
     * @phpstan-return array{uid:string,expire:\DateTimeInterface}|null
    public function fetchToken(string $subject, string $token): ?array
        $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT uid, expire FROM tokens WHERE subject = ? AND token = ?");
        $stmt->execute([$subject, $token]);
        $info = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if ($info !== null) {
            $info['expire'] = new \DateTimeImmutable($info['expire']);
        return $info;