
By default, the super global $_SESSION is used. Authentication info is stored under $_SESSION['auth']. To change the way the information is stored, pass a session service when initializing.

use Jasny\Auth\Session\PhpSession;

$auth->initialize(new PhpSession('userinfo'));

Session object

Use an object with ArrayAccess (like an ArrayObject) to store auth session information. Some libraries, like Jasny Session Middleware, support abstracting sessions via an object. This makes it easier to test stateful applications.

use Jasny\Auth\Session\SessionObject;

$session = new ArrayObject(['auth' => ['uid' => '123']]); // Session with test data
$auth->initialize(new SessionObject($session));

For testing it’s possible to set UserInterface and ContextInterface objects as session information instead of ids.

use Jasny\Auth\Session\SessionObject;

$loggedInUser = new User('123', 'Arnold');
$currentContext = new Team('xyz');

$session = new ArrayObject(['auth' => ['uid' => $loggedInUser, 'context' => $currentContext]]);
$auth->initialize(new SessionObject($session));

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