MFA (Multi-factor authentication)

This library support a two step verification process. The User object has a method requiresMfa(), which is called during login. If this method returns true, the user will be partially logged in, requiring mfa verification to complete to login.

Any MFA method can be used as long as it includes verifying some sort of code or signature. Verification is delegated to a callback that’s configured using the withMfa() method.

A good method is using time based one-time passwords according to RFC 6238 (TOTP), compatible with Google Authenticator.

Other methods of verification might be an SMS OTP, WebAuthn, or an email link.

Checking partial login

If the user has logged in with username and password and requires MFA verification, it will be partially logged in. This can be checked with isPartiallyLoggedIn().

Partially logged in users should be redirected to the MFA form.

$auth->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);

if ($auth->isPartiallyLoggedIn()) {
    header('Location: /login/mfa', 303);
    echo "You're being redirected to <a href=\"/login/mfa\">MFA verfication</a>";

// ...

The isLoggedIn() method returns false. The is() method will always return false for a partially logged in users (regardless of the roles of the user).

MFA verification

The mfa method will perform the second verification step and login the user fully if this is successful.


If the verification fails, a LoginException will be thrown with code LoginException::INVALID_CREDENTIALS. The user will stay (partially) logged in, even if MFA verification fails. You may want to logout manually.

If the verification succeeds, a Login event is dispatched, which may still be cancelled. If cancelled, the user is logged out.

MFA verification may also be done for a fully logged in user.


The partial login state will not automatically time out and live as long as the session lifetime. It’s recommended to check the authentication timestamp to limit the time between the first and second verification step.

if ($auth->time() < new \DateTime("-5 minutes")) {
    header('Location: /login', true, 303);



In case of partial login, a PartialLogin event is dispatched, rather than a Login event. The events are similar. The PartialLogin event can be cancelled, which will trigger a LoginException.

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