JSON Web Tokens

Jasny Auth supports JWT (JSON Web Tokens) as alternative method to store the user session. Using JWT requires the Lcobucci JWT library. Both v3 and v4 are supported.

composer require lcobucci/jwt

Pass a Jwt object when initializing auth. It takes a Lcobucci\JWT\Configuration object.

use Jasny\Auth\Session\Jwt;
use Lcobucci\Clock\SystemClock;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Configuration;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Hmac\Sha256;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Validation\Constraint;

$secret = getenv('AUTH_JWT_SECRET'); // Secret is a base64 encoded random 32 byte string
$configuration = Configuration::forSymmetricSigner(new Sha256(), InMemory::base64Encoded($secret));

    ->issuedBy('http://example.com')                    // Configures the issuer (iss claim)
    ->permittedFor('http://example.org');               // Configure the audience (aud claim)

    new Constraint\LooseValidAt(                        // Token should not be expired
        new SystemClock(new DateTimeZone('UTC')),
        new DateInterval('PT30S')
    new Constraint\IssuedBy('http://example.com'),      // Check the issuer
    new Constraint\PermittedFor('http://example.com'),  // Check the audience

$jwt = new Jwt($configuration);


For more information see Lcobucci JWT documentation.

Expire TTL

By default, the token will expire 24 hours after it has been issued. The withTtl() method allows changing this value. The TTL (time to live) is specified in seconds.

$jwt = (new Jwt($configuration))
    ->withTtl(4 * 3600); // 4 hours

The JWT session handler sets and checks a cookie name jwt using $_COOKIE and setcookie().

You can change the cookie parameters by passing a new JWT\Cookie object to withCookie().

use Jasny\Auth\Session\Jwt;

$jwt = (new Jwt($configuration))
    ->withCookie(new Jwt\Cookie('my-web-token', ['domain' => 'example.com']));

The cookie expire time will always match the JWT expire time (exp claim) and can’t be set.


AuthMiddleware can be used to initialize a session from a PSR-7 server request. However, the auth middleware can only get the cookie from the request, it’s not able to set a cookie in the response.

Using Jwt with PSR-7 requires the use of Jwt\CookieMiddleware, which will create a CookieValue object which is used instead of the global $_COOKIE and setcookie(). The cookie object is available as jwt_cookie attribute.

The cookie middleware will add a Set-Cookie header to the response if the cookie value has changed.

use Jasny\Auth\AuthMiddleware;
use Jasny\Auth\Session\Jwt;
use Jasny\Auth\Session\Jwt\CookieMiddleware;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Configuration;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

$router->add(new CookieMiddleware()); // Must be added before AuthMiddleware

$router->add((new AuthMiddleware(/* ... */))->withSession(
    function (ServerRequestInterface $request) {
        $configuration = Configuration::forSymmetricSigner(/* ... */);

        return (new Jwt($configuration))